in dresses at age 18 or after he is arrested and sentenced by the same court for the same offense he was ordered to commit while he was still a boy. This kind of thing must be stopped by education. I suggest that many of you should write to the Judge and the News paper and express your own feelings, sign it or dont, but take some action on a personal level. The Judge can be reached by name at the Municipal Court, Orange, Texas. An opposite situation recently oc- curred in Chicago where a Judge was faced with a young man who had been picked up in femmeattire a number of times After hearing his story the Judge gave him several months in which to raise the money to have a sex-change operation. Although the man in question was picked up for soliciting, and might well have been a homosexual, this is beside the point. The Judge who handled the case was suff- iciently advanced in knowledge to know about, approve (for certain cases) and allow the operation. He should be complimented for his awareness and attitude. With more judges like this we might have a judiciary that would take cognisance of human feelings and motive- tions and not act solely on the letter of impersonal law. I suggest that you write this Judge too, complimenting him on his action. Write to Judge James Geroulis % Chicago Municipal Court, Chicago Ill. IV. MALE MOVIE ACTRESS: This story was mentioned in the Mirror some months ago and many of you have asked about it and some have paid for it. Please don't be discouraged, its on the way. It was dis- covered after about half of it had been typed that the story just stopped, that is it did not end in the proper sense. So consider- able time was lost in trying to find someone who could complete it. One of the girls who has written several other things for us has 2- greed to do it and is now working on it. This, plus delays for other more important matters, is what has prevented its appearance. indicated in Section II.above, we are only two with a lot to do.
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LEGAL NOTE: A recent Appelate Court ruling in California made it clear that where the state law covers an action it takes preced- ance over any local ordinances purporting to cover the same "crime" Thus a San Francisco ordinance dealing with masquerading in the gar- ments of the opposite sex was rendered ineffective by virtue of the state law dealing with the same offense. The state law is somewhat more lenient. This might be something for the legal eagles among us to check up on in their states. Any comments our lady lawyers would like to make on this score will be gladly published. for the benefit of all.